Monday, January 25, 2016

How To Use Blogging To Promote Your Book

How To Use Blogging To Promote Your Book

How To Use Blogging To Promote Your Book

By []Toni Nelson 

One of the best ways to grow your business (brand) is to blog.

How can you put the power of blogging to work when writing your book?

Writing a book can be one of the best ways to show you are an expert in your field.

Many people talk about writing a book but never following through.

That's not going to be you because you are going to find out the steps you need to take.

Mistakenly people think the time to market their book is once it's written.

That couldn't be further from the truth.

You need to start marketing your book long before.

How do you do that?

You start mentioning it in your blog.

Let your readers know that you are writing a book.

You can share the title with them if you'd like.

Get your readers engaged and ask them questions.

Why not ask for their feed back?

For example you might have the title to a chapter that you want feedback on.

Ask your readers what they want to know on that particular topic.

Just think. You can have your ideal audience help you write your book!

Remember that you are blogging about your book to build anticipation.

You want people eagerly looking for the release date.

When you blog about your book you can also talk about the challenges you are having.

This shows that you are a real person who has challenges and problems like everyone else.

When you have a chapter done you can share a portion to celebrate.

This is another way to give people a taste of what's to come.

Encourage readers to leave comments. This is really important because once again you are engaging with them.

Many writers will have a blog solely dedicated to their book.

It's the place they send people to for news, updates and other information.

The thought of setting up a completely new site might hold you back. If so, do you already have a blog on your site? You can incorporate the information about your book there.

It's important that you write and publish your book so if adding another layer such as creating a completely new blog is too overwhelming, don't do it.

Once you start talking about your book you need to maximize your exposure by sharing your posts on social media.

Share on Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter and any other social platform.

This has another benefit as well. 

Since you've stated in your blog that you are writing a book it will motivate you to continue.

You've already announced to the world what you are doing and now it's time to follow through.

Writing a book will help you build brand awareness for you and how you can help others accomplish their goals.

Writing a book is only part of the equation. Promoting it is another.

The sooner you get started the better.

Find out how to grow your brand authority in this free guide:

Article Source: [] How To Use Blogging To Promote Your Book