30 Ideas for Book Marketing: Steps Authors May Take
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Harriet_Hodgson]Harriet Hodgson
I've signed with big publishers, small publishers, university publishers, and am now with a hybrid publisher. When I signed the contract, I didn't know if I would benefit from this new publishing approach. In return for a minimal financial investment, I get many services from my publisher. Monthly webinars are one service and the most recent one was about book marketing.
Just the thought of book marketing makes me grimace. Selling isn't in my nature. Still, I'm proud of my new series and want people to know about it. As soon as the webinar was over, I acted on two of the ideas. By the end of the day, I had thought of a month's worth of marketing ideas. Some of these ideas are author-specific, but most will apply to all authors.
Update Amazon author profile.
Add Amazon book links to website.
Post more blogs on website.
Expand the Resources tab.
Post free handouts on website.
Email a national magazine and offer to write an article. Cite specific title ideas.
Assess finances and determine marketing budget.
Send a business letter, sample books, and a check to a professional review service.
Contact a second book review service.
Ask Facebook friends to post reviews on Amazon.
Ask Twitter members to write reviews too.
Contact public library and explore the idea of a book reading and launch.
Email friends and ask them to write reviews.
Elicit one Amazon reviewer per day.
Offer to speak at a senior living community.
Contact college magazine and offer to write an article.
Get more speaking "gigs."
Write an article for a magazine or newsletter related to the topic of latest book.
Contact local service organization about speaking. Give organization a choice of topics.
Give books to trusted people and ask them to distribute books to potential reviewers and bloggers.
Update book poster and have a new one made to support talks/workshops.
Visit with community outreach manager at Barnes & Noble about a combined reading and talk.
Take out a paid ad in a magazine or website.
Be an active contributing writer and send new articles to websites.
Always carry business cards and sample books with me.
Contact local ministers' association about giving talks/workshops.
Ask graphic designer to create a new bookmark and order them.
Plan author talk that expands my book.
Create handouts to support talk.
Sign up for a month of social media marketing.
Workable as these ideas may be, they don't assure quick sales. Developing an author brand takes time and perseverance. Over time, small steps can yield big results. That's why I'm going to do something about marketing every day. You can too. http://www.harriethodgson.com
Harriet Hodgson has been a freelancer for 37 years, is the author of thousands of articles, and 35 books. Her latest releases: Happy Again! Your New and Meaningful Life After Loss, The Family Caregiver's Guide, Affirmations for Family Caregivers, and A Journal for Family Caregivers. Please visit her website and learn more about this busy author, grandmother, and caregiver.
Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?30-Ideas-for-Book-Marketing:-Steps-Authors-May-Take&id=9291642] 30 Ideas for Book Marketing: Steps Authors May Take