Monday, January 25, 2016

Be Impressed With Your Own Book: Market With Confidence

Be Impressed With Your Own Book: Market With Confidence

Be Impressed With Your Own Book: Market With Confidence
By []Ellen Palestrant 

Writing comes largely from an internal source; it is a solitary process. The writer's product, however, is public.

After spending months and even years residing largely in your head, thinking, writing, shaping, editing... and editing... and editing, it is time now to share what had essentially been private, with the world. You, like most writers, are understandably uncomfortable with trumpeting the virtues of something as personal as your own book or your own creative abilities - in fact, you probably balk at doing just that and feel almost immobilized. It is so must easier to plug the work of someone else than to praise your own. But you know now that the time has come to market your book, The big question is, how?

Firstly, it is of utmost importance for you to actually be impressed with what you have created, that is, feel confident about your product, secure about the contents and the aesthetic appeal of the book that you now intend to market. You need to know that it is now in its best possible form and that the subject matter, the writing, and the book design is truly excellent. Any old thing is just not good enough.

I feel that having your own website - an aesthetically pleasing, inviting, informative, valuable, lively, and individually your own, in style, is tremendously important. So make sure that you have an excellent web designer, or, if you create your website yourself, really make it attractive and functional. This, after all, is your theater to where you will invite guests - your audience - and you need to ensure that they feel welcome - so comfortable in fact, that they will want to remain longer and explore its interesting landscape.

So now what? The book is complete and it now resides in a home that is artistically appealing on your website. The time has come for publicity. Today, there are less and less physical bookstores and therefore, fewer options for bookstore tours that writers of the past had found dependable and worthwhile. With the ever-diminishing presence of these physical stores, there are now, fortunately, many other forms of book marketing - too many, in fact; it is dizzying, confusing, utterly bewildering, at times.

So begin slowly so that you give yourself time to evaluate the efficacy of the choices you make. Be selective, not frenzied when you choose from the ever-expanding choices of social media. Only use what resonates with you as a start. Try, perhaps, the marvelous concept of the Virtual Book Tour. This takes you almost anywhere in the world - virtually - while you sip coffee and hold court in the comfort of your own home. This method of book marketing, enables you to pop into many countries and communicate globally with people who are interested in your subject - and your writing. And, what's more, it is affordable, especially, if you compare it to the money you might previously have laid out for airfare and hotels on your past book tours. Sign up with an experienced person to arrange such a tour for you.

Another worthwhile way of gaining publicity, is by writing blogs with interesting content that complements the subject of your book, and also, by being a visiting blogger on other people's sites. If you understand that nothing happens overnight and therefore do not become frustrated with the length of time all of this takes, and if you decide in advance that you will enjoy the journey - your appearances on other people's blogs, podcasts, radio programs, and television, then indeed, you will have fun. And, if you enjoy your journey, others will enjoy what you share with them, too. Enthusiasm is contagious. And then it is time to write again - time to retreat into your solitary work and create your next project, because that's what writers do - they write until they have finished - and then embark again on the next publicity train. And then they write again.

Article Source: [] Be Impressed With Your Own Book: Market With Confidence